Annual Report Estate Henk Visch

Chamber of Commerce 65508580

The board:

Mr. H.H. Visch, chairman
Mr. B.D.L. van Eerd, secretary
Mr. M.S. Sahak, treasurer
Mrs. E.K.Strik, consultant management

27.1.2018, 14.4.2018, 5.8.2018, 3.11.201

The year 2018 was dominated by the application for Anbi status for the foundation.
A crucial point, because the foundation aims to make the art collection function in cultural, public life and therefore must be qualified as a public good. This is the ultimate wish of the artist:

Art as a public good to integrate in the actual cultural life.

The application was rejected in the first instance because of the lack of accession of the composite art collection. The board had assumed that the website and the archive would offer sufficient guarantee to allow the collection to function in public. This was not the case.

The foundation then started to make plans for a possible exhibition space. The couple Henk Visch / Irene Veenstra, initiators of the foundation and most important legators of the works of art, provided the space at Tongelresestraat 71a for this purpose. A space of 24m by 4m, where there was also the possibility to build in a kitchen, toilet and office space. Drawings were made for the renovation and these were outsourced to the van den Boomen firm in July. There was a lot of delay, given the fact that there is currently a lot of building and rebuilding in the city. In the end, it was possible to have the room ready for use before the end of the year: overhead light, a new front wall, sanitary facilities, electrical facilities, internet connection and the entire room plastered.

There is made a first exhibition of works that certainly go into the foundation. This presentation has been placed on the foundation’s website and on a newly created instagram account. The first positive reactions have arrived.

For the tax transfer of the works of art to the foundation, contact was sought with a specialist in this area: mrs. Mr. S.A.M. de Wijkerslooth-Löest, working for Ernst & Young. The first conversations were very informative and we have confidence in a good completion of this case. However, the Anbi status must first be awaited before the artworks can be transferred to the foundation.

The board has decided that the coming year will be spent on the further development of a program for the exhibition space. Thus, at the end of the year 2018 the exhibitionspace was ready to be opened for visitors.

Abbreviated Statement of Income and Expenses

No donations were made in 2018, no allowances were paid, and no employees were employed by the foundation in 2018.
*balans 2018
