Estate Henk Visch
Established on 3 March 2016 in Eindhoven [NL]
Schäfer Notarissen, Eindhoven

Registered at the Chamber of Commerce
7 March 2016 Eindhoven
Ch. of Comm. no. 65508580
RSIN [Legal Entities and Partnerships Identification Number] 856140855

The Foundation is registered as a public benefit organization (ANBI).

Post address: Lucas Gasselstraat 5, 5611 ST Eindhoven
Visiting address: Voorterweg 128, 5611 ST, Eindhoven

The object of the foundation Estate Henk Visch is ‘to present the collection of artworks created and collected during the lifetime of the artist Henk Visch’. (see Deed of Foundation) Since Januari 2019 the foundation has an exhibition space, Voorterweg 128, 5611 ST, Eindhoven, which is open to the public.

Deed of Foundation
Name and Registered Office
Article 1
1. The name of the foundation is: Stichting “Huis Henk Visch”.
2. The foundation has its registered office in the municipality of Eindhoven.

Article 2
1. The objects of the Foundation are:
a. to present the collection of artworks created and collected during the lifetime of the artist Henk Visch;
b. to manage Henk Visch’s copyrights, to which the foundation will be entitled after his death, subject to the provision that there will be no authority to manufacture or have a work of art produced as a work by Henk Visch, in whatever form.
c. to carry out all further acts that may be related or conducive to the foregoing in the broadest sense.

2. The foundation will seek to realise its objects by using the artist’s home and studio as an exhibition space, and these will be opened to the public. Both the artist’s work and the collected works of fellow artists will form part of this. The library of Henk Visch and his wife Irene Veenstra as well as the archive of artworks and projects will remain in the house and can be used as a source of study.

The Henk Visch Huis will be part of the cultural heritage of the city of Eindhoven and will serve as a historic place where art is exhibited and where the collection offers a source of study for future generations of artists and art lovers, using all lawful means.

Amendment of the articles of association

Dissolution and liquidation
art 12 sub 3
If the board decides to dissolve the liquidation balance will be used for a public benefit institution with a similar objective.
