The immobiles,

The immobiles 

no, I want to hear nothing more, I said loud; listening is obeying and I now have enough of it, let the body spea… I could not finish my sentence. Let the body speak, I wanted to say but if the body speaks then it silences man. Not always is one master of himself. And an enemy is quickly found.
A moment absent and one stands at the front door of an old dwelling, sings an even older song full of fear and melancholy, with vibrating voice and sands his nails to the stones. Au. Do not hesitate. Honors on this great day, the burning flowers from the poor country. Those who inflamed useless on the dusty yard. Men flee with their black breath and find an eye that wants to alleviate them sustainably. Don’t hesitate to walk along the lake with the crying leg, play the dancing meter and say, yes… if it can. And stay.
The immobiles, group of 7 sculptures